Sunday, 28 March 2010

Colwyn Bay 1954 - The Whiteheads and O'Donnells

A day out at the beach. Somehow all our beach shots are next to a wall - must be the wind factor!


  1. I remember going to Formby beach with Uncle Gerry and Uncle Tom,Uncle Bill Johnson and Uncle Billy Tailor(and Uncle Tom Cobley and all)??( they had cars), we all used to pile in the cars, about 8 of us squashed in a car,down to the beach,imagine that now-(no elf'n safety in those days)!!Great times.Must have been early 1960's i think.

  2. I can't remember this specific day, but we had so may like this. Notice Gerry is wearing long pants at the beach - which was the norm!!
    I see Tom O'D, Gegs, Rene and Dolly in the back, Gerry, Veronica and Alan and Susan in front. There is someone off to the extreme right - could that be you Kate?

  3. Richard Whitehead is the image of his Dad, Uncle Gegs (Jnr), here.
