Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Uncle Fred quoted in the local paper.....

Not sure how to make this larger on blog. If anyone wants a copy to be able to read, email me at cupot@nc.rr.com.

I remember Dolly telling me about Martha playing the piano when they were all kids. When Grandad was alive, Dolly said they always had a 'roaring fire' and meat on the table every night.


  1. If you click on the image to open it and then click again it will become big enough to read

  2. How absolutely wonderful, I can remember My mother Doll taking my to see Aunty Win & meeting
    Uncle Fred when I was a child living in Bootle
    They lived at 21 Marmion Avenue & in her later years Aunty Win (when she went in a Nursing Home ) sold this house to our Michael
    who lived in the house ? years ( I'll find out)
