Tuesday, 19 April 2011

new relative

Hi again, My Aunty Joyce from Northern Ireland would like to participate on this blog. She is my mothers younger sister and is Martha's neice ,and she has lots of interesting things to add to the blog. Could you please invite her to be involved? Her email is joyce.bunting@btinternet.com . Thanks so much! ~ Margaret


  1. We would be delighted to have more of our family keep in touch with their memories, old photos, etc.
    To sign in go to:


    Looking forward tonew posts.
    Susan (Martha's grandaughter living in Raleigh, NC)

  2. Hi Margaret How fantastic to have input from Joyce. I've set her up and sent an email from the blog site, and look forward to seeing the posts........Kate

  3. Hi Helen, I'm very new to the internet and I'm loving your blog.
    Would it be possible to be added to the contributers list please?

    Lynn (cousin)
